English courses for Adults
Our English courses are designed for adults who wish to confidently use English in real-life situations. The aim is to develop your communication skills, build your grammar awareness, extend your vocabulary, refine your pronunciation and introduce you to everyday idiomatic expressions.
Optimise your way of learning with Hong Kong Institute of Languages, with our proven efficiency and track records of helping thousands of people of all ages reached their goals.
We offer a wide range of general courses from complete beginner to proficient user levels. Each course follows a modern and well-structured coursebook, supplemented by personalised and relevant materials to cater for your needs and interests.
We also prepare for the Cambridge KET and BULATS examinations.
All our courses are in line with the Council of Europe’s Framework for Modern Languages (CEFR), allowing you to chart every step of your progress and work towards internationally recognised benchmarks and examinations.
Before enrolling on any of our courses, you can enjoy a free level assessment and needs analysis to define your individual course objectives and plan your overall progression.
The Institute is currently offering:
40th Anniversary – Up to 25% OFF Language Courses. Click here for more information
Business English Skills Courses. Click here for more information
English for Diplomatic Purposes. Click here for more information
>> Don’t miss out and register now! <<

General Courses
CEFR Level: Cambridge KET A1
Our Beginner course is designed for complete beginners who would like to learn some practical English that can be put to immediate use. The focus is on developing speaking and listening skills, as well as providing an essential basis for English grammar and vocabulary. The course also introduces essential reading and writing skills. By the end of the course, you will have a basic ability to communicate in English to ask and answer simple questions and to handle some simple everyday tasks (Greetings and basic conversation, jobs and occupations, going to a post office, bank or café…)
CEFR Level: Cambridge KET A2
Our Elementary course is designed to allow you to further build your knowledge of vocabulary and grammar. You will also have the opportunity to develop your skills in order to use English in a wider range of daily situations. The aim is to equip you with the necessary skills to get the information you need and communicate what you want as clearly and effectively as possible.
CEFR Level: Cambridge PET B1
Our Intermediate course is designed to consolidate what you have learned in previous courses. They will also help you to communicate effectively in a wider range of social and work-related situations. You will further develop your vocabulary, reading and writing skills, as well as learn how to distinguish formal and informal language.
CEFR Level: Cambridge FCE B2
Our Upper Intermediate course focuses on further refining your skills, in particular how language is used in different genres. You will explore how the choice of language, vocabulary and grammar affects the tone and style of your speaking and writing. You will also learn how to compare and contrast different structures and when it is appropriate to use them.
CEFR Level: Cambridge CAE C1
On our Advanced Level course, the focus is on developing your accuracy and fluency in equal measure to become a more proficient user of the language. The content for this course has been prepared with the Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) in mind, and by the end of the course you will be in a position to take the examination.
CEFR Level: Cambridge CPE C2
Our Proficiency course is designed to develop your ability to produce language appropriate for very specific contexts, such as writing for academic purposes, or for business and commerce. The course can be tailored to your professional, business, or academic needs, and at the end of this course you may choose to take the Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE).
English Business Skills
Global English for Socializing
This workshop is for you to improve and enhance your communication skills, specifically for socializing with English speakers. It also teaches you how to present different topics and communicate your ideas interestingly and confidently. Make friends and influence people!
Writing Business Plans and Proposals
The instructor teaches you how to follow a writing structure from examples and write your core objectives in business proposals. You can then apply the writing techniques and language in various exercises and activities.
Business English for Building Relationships
If you are looking to enhance your Business English communication skills to build relationships with business partners, vendors, and colleagues, this workshop is perfect for you. You develop your vocabulary and phrasal verb understanding in various exercises and take part in discussions examining various business case studies.
Business English in Marketing Strategy
Improve your business English skills for marketing. The workshop helps students to brainstorm and organize the presentation of their marketing ideas to achieve positive communicative results.
Effective Presentation Skills
Learn how to clearly structure presentations, how to make points clearly, and how to conclude and recommend effectively. It also helps you to develop your own confident style, make eye contact and use body language.
Business English Writing Skills - Requests
This workshop focuses on giving you a systematic presentation of model business writing expressions and samples of business correspondence, followed by practical and useful business writing exercises. You will then be immediately able to make effective written requests and use a template adaptable to all types of business writing (e.g. email).
Business English in Writing Skills - Presenting Facts and Figures
Develop your skills for organizing information and figures into appropriate categories and visuals. The instructor shows you the core objectives and how to write from a template. You prepare several paragraphs and tables or graphs; by the end of the course, it is anticipated you can do this without guidance.
Business English in Writing Skills - Marketing & Advertising
Write effective advertisements, sales messages, and marketing messages. The instructor provides examples of techniques for writing marketing messages and advertising taglines. You participate in exercises which teach you how to create effective marketing and advertising messages immediately.
Business Writing Skills - Persuasion
Learn to successfully write persuasive business emails. The instructor teaches you how to follow a template, with stock expressions for all steps of a persuasive email. You write several emails from several case studies; by the end of the course it is anticipated you can do this without guidance.
Negotiating Skills 1 - The Negotiation Process
Apply business English communication skills in negotiations. You will be able to understand the negotiation process, to open, bargain and close a negotiation; to change the balance of power; and to understand the negotiation process. The instructor introduces you to various considerations when opening, techniques for changing the balance of power, and provides a useful language checklist.
Negotiating Skills 2 - Bargaining & Concessions
Learn business English communication skills specifically for negotiating. You will learn how to bargain and close deals during a negotiation. The instructor introduces students to considerations and techniques they need when opening a negotiation, and a useful language checklist.
Other Courses / Workshops
Exam & Language Test Preparation
BULATS and Cambridge exams (KET, PET, FCE, CAE and CPE)
Learn and practise exam techniques and strategies to be fully ready to ace your upcoming exam and/or language test, both written and oral parts.
English for Travellers
To learn simple and practical English language for travelling and socialising. If you are planning a holiday to an English speaking country, want to enrich your travel experience and immerse yourself in the culture, this is the right course for you.
Cultural Workshops
To improve your language skills and learn more about the UK and its culture, traditions and way of life. You will learn about the food culture, and the rich heritage of British history. Ideal if you are looking to study abroad or visit the UK.
Conversations / Coffee Morning Classes
To develop your language skills in a relaxed, informal and supportive environment, ideal to build a connexion and make new friends.