Ace the DELE Exam with Our Comprehensive Spanish Courses!

Ace the DELE Exam with Our Comprehensive Spanish Courses!

Unlock Your Child’s Future with Spanish Proficiency!
Are you a DSE student aiming to excel in the DELE A2 or B1 exam to meet your foreign language requirements? Our expertly crafted Spanish courses are here to guide your child to success!

Why Choose Our Spanish Programme?
Recent changes to the DSE (Diploma of Secondary Education) exam system have indeed led to the discontinuation of the IGCSE Languages exam at the end of Form 6. Instead, students are now required to pass internationally recognized language exams, such as the DELE (Diploma of Spanish as a Foreign Language), to demonstrate their language proficiency.
We offer specialized courses tailored specifically for DSE students preparing for the DELE A2 or B1 levels.

Here’s what you can expect from our program:
• Comprehensive 9-Month Courses: Your child can achieve the A1 level in just 9 months, followed by A2 proficiency in the subsequent course.
• Intensive Crash Courses: For those needing a quick boost, our focused, exam-centric crash courses will prepare students to excel in the DELE exam in a shorter time frame.
• Small Group Classes: Enjoy focused learning with personalized attention from our experienced, native-speaking instructors.

• Level A1 Course: A 9-month course with engaging 2-hour classes on Saturdays. Students will establish a solid foundation in Spanish, mastering essential communication skills.
• Level A2 Course: Another full-year program crafted to help students achieve A2 proficiency, crucial for passing the DELE exam before graduation from Form 6.
• Crash Courses: For those who need faster preparation, we offer intensive crash courses designed to equip students with the confidence to face the DELE exam head-on.

Course Structure Tailored for DSE Students
Our Spanish courses are designed with the specific needs of DSE students in mind. Here’s what we offer:

Flexible Class Times – Perfect for Busy Lives
We understand that weekends are valuable. Our classes are scheduled to fit seamlessly into your child’s routine. Saturday time slots available:
• A1 Group: Morning and Afternoon sessions
• A2 Group: Morning and Afternoon sessions
• Crash Course Options: Timings are flexible based on demand – contact us for more details!

Why Take the DELE Exam?
The DELE exam is recognized worldwide, giving students a competitive edge when applying to universities and enhancing their career prospects. By achieving A2 or B1 proficiency, your child will fulfill the DSE foreign language requirement while earning a prestigious certification.

The DELE exam is available at six levels, based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR):

A1: Beginner
A2: Elementary
B1: Intermediate
B2: Upper Intermediate
C1: Advanced
C2: Mastery

The exam typically consists of four parts:

Reading Comprehension
Listening Comprehension
Written Expression and Interaction
Oral Expression and Interaction

The duration of the exam varies by level, generally ranging from 2 to 5 hours.

The DELE certification is recognized internationally and can be used for:

Academic purposes
Employment opportunities
Immigration requirements

Meet Your Instructor
Our Spanish courses are led by Santiago, a highly qualified and dedicated Spanish teacher with extensive experience in preparing DSE students for the DELE exam. Having taught at various educational institutions, including primary schools and universities, Santiago understands the unique challenges students face in language acquisition. His interactive teaching style and personalized approach ensure that each student receives the support they need to succeed.
Santiago knows exactly what it takes to help students excel. He combines a deep knowledge of Spanish language and culture with effective teaching methodologies, making learning both engaging and relevant. His commitment to fostering a positive and inclusive classroom environment encourages students to build confidence in their language skills while preparing them for the DELE exam.

Ready to Enroll?
Don’t miss the opportunity to set your child on the path to Spanish proficiency! Whether starting at A1 or needing intensive preparation for the DELE A2 exam, we have the perfect course for them.
Register now to secure your spot in our Saturday Spanish classes! Limited slots available.

Tel: +852 2877 6160
Whatsapp: +852 9794 0258 (Adults) / +852 5421 0288(Kids and Teens)


DELE 考試成功指南,透過我們的綜合西班牙語課程!

為您的孩子解鎖未來,掌握西班牙語能力! 您是想要在 DSE 考試中表現優異的學生嗎?想要通過 DELE A2 或 B1 考試以滿足外語要求嗎?我們精心設計的西班牙語課程,將引導您的孩子邁向成功!

為何選擇我們的西班牙語課程? 最近 DSE(中學文憑試)的考試系統發生了變化,導致 IGCSE 語言考試在中六結束時取消。取而代之的是,學生現在需要通過國際認可的語言考試,例如 DELE(西班牙語外語文憑),以證明其語言能力。 我們提供專為準備 DELE A2 或 B1 級別的 DSE 學生量身打造的課程。以下是我們課程的特色:

• 綜合 9 個月課程:您的孩子可以在 9 個月內達到 A1 水平,隨後在下一階段課程中達到 A2 水平。

• 強化速成課程:針對需要快速提升的學生,我們的考試重點速成課程將幫助學生在較短的時間內輕鬆通過 DELE 考試。 • 小班教學:享受專注的學習體驗,由經驗豐富的母語教師提供個性化指導。

專為 DSE 學生設計的課程結構 我們的西班牙語課程是根據 DSE 學生的具體需求設計的。以下是我們提供的課程:

  • A1 級別課程:為期 9 個月的課程,每週六進行兩小時的生動課堂。學生將打下堅實的西班牙語基礎,掌握基本的溝通技巧。
  • A2 級別課程:另一個為期一年的課程,旨在幫助學生達到 A2 水平,這對於在中六畢業前通過 DELE 考試至關重要。 • 速成課程:針對需要更快準備的學生,我們提供強化的速成課程,讓學生有信心正面迎戰 DELE 考試。

靈活的課堂時間——完美適合繁忙的生活 我們理解周末的寶貴,因此我們的課程安排可以無縫融入您孩子的日常生活。週六課程時段如下:

• A1 組別:上午和下午班

• A2 組別:上午和下午班

• 速成課程選項:時間靈活,根據需求調整——歡迎聯繫我們了解詳情!

為什麼要參加 DELE 考試? DELE 考試是全球認可的資格證書,讓學生在申請大學時更具競爭力,並提升職業前景。通過 A2 或 B1 級別的考試,您的孩子將滿足 DSE 的外語要求,並獲得一項備受推崇的認證。

DELE 考試根據歐洲語言共同參考框架(CEFR),共分為六個級別:

A1:初學者 A2:初級 B1:中級 B2:中高級 C1:高級 C2:精通級

考試結構 考試通常包含四個部分: 閱讀理解 聽力理解 書面表達與互動 口語表達與互動

考試時長 考試時長根據級別不同,通常介於 2 至 5 小時之間。

目的 DELE 認證在國際上獲得廣泛認可,可用於: 學術用途 就業機會 移民要求

認識您的導師 我們的西班牙語課程由經驗豐富的西班牙語教師 Santiago 主持。他擁有豐富的 DSE 學生 DELE 考試準備教學經驗,曾在多家教育機構教授西班牙語,包括小學和大學。Santiago 深知學生在語言學習中的獨特挑戰,並以互動教學風格和個性化教學方式,確保每個學生都能得到成功的支持。 Santiago 深諳幫助學生出類拔萃的訣竅。他結合了對西班牙語言和文化的深刻理解,與有效的教學方法,讓學習變得既有趣又相關。他致力於創造積極和包容的課堂環境,鼓勵學生建立語言技能的信心,並為 DELE 考試做好充分準備。

準備報名了嗎? 不要錯過讓您的孩子踏上西班牙語能力之路的機會!無論是從 A1 開始,還是需要為 DELE A2 考試進行強化準備,我們都為他們提供了完美的課程。 立即報名,確保佔有我們週六西班牙語課程的一席之地!名額有限。

電話: +852 2877 6160 WhatsApp: +852 9794 0258 (成人) / +852 5421 0288 (兒童及青少年)
